Challenges of Discus Breeding

Marlboro Red and Red Panda Cross Discus Spawning Why might it be a challenge to breed discus? Discus need a high protein diet. However, their metabolization of protein deteriorates water quality. Discus (especially...

Hatching Discus Fry

After about 60 hours (dependent on water temperature), the eggs hatch. The young will be placed, by the parents, on a different place of the breeding medium, until they can...

Spawning Media

You will want to provide your breeding pair with a suitable spawning medium. This can be in your community tank, but you will most likely have more luck with a...

More on Sexing Discus Fish

Gender identification of a Discus Fish is nothing short of challenging. Even seasoned keepers can sometimes have difficulty determining which fish are male and female. While there are various methods...