Purchasing and Keeping Medications

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Purchasing and Keeping Medications

When you are dealing with medications, you need to be aware that certain factors may reduce the effectiveness of your medications. Most medications usually last for only a certain period of time. After their expiration date, they are most likely no longer effective and should be thrown out. Also, if a medication is not stored properly, they may also lose their effectiveness. Too much light, humidity or wet conditions, and high temperatures can all make your medications useless.

Unfortunately, many medications that are found in fish stores are subject to these problems. Many medications do not have an expiration date. The may also sit on the shelf for way too long, losing potency as they sit. If the box you’re looking at is dusty and has no expiration date, you might want to avoid buying that medication. Your fish store may also keep the medications on shelves where the temperature is not controlled (too warm and humid) and under full lights. These conditions will reduce the potency of the medications.

You want to be careful to avoid situations where you are buying medications that won’t be of much use to you. Here are some useful tips to consider on the subject of purchasing and keeping medications:

  1. Do not buy your medications ahead of time. If you do have a problem with your fish, your first plan of attack should be a couple water changes, temperature changes, adding salt to the water, and observation so you will have time to go get that medication if you really do need it.
  2. Avoid stores that do not turn over their merchandise quickly and does not keep their stock in controlled conditions. If a package is dusty and/or has water stains, definitely avoid it! Anything in a sealed, airtight container is your best bet.
  3. You want to find medications that are clearly marked with details on their contents and how much you should use. If the package is marked with an expiration date, that is even better.
  4. Even with the best medications, once you open the container they will probably only be at their most effective and useful for a couple months. You should keep them in a cool, dry, dark area, but after few months it’s better to throw them out.
  5. As with all medications, make sure pets and children can not get into your fish medications either.

Discus Medication

Discus Medication


  • What types of medicines do you use in your discus aquarium?
  • Where do you buy your discus medications from?
  • What are some important things about storing medications?

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