Other Fish for Your Discus Aquarium Part 2

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Other Fish for Your Discus Aquarium Part 2


In Australia especially, rainbowfish and discus are commonly kept in the same aquariums. Since they have similar conditions in their natural environment, they thrive together. They look aesthetically amazing when put together in a display aquarium.

Discus and Rainbow Fish


Siamese Algae Eaters (and other close relatives such as the Flying Fox) will thrive in any planted discus aquarium. As the name suggests, they feed primarily off algae, which is why they’re a favorite amongst aquarists with heavily planted aquariums. They’re a peaceful fish that will generally keep to themselves.

Siamese Algae Eater


Like Plecos, Clown Loaches are debatable tank mates for your discus. The reason being that during feeding, they tend to go into a frenzy that may spook your discus. Besides this, they shouldn’t disturb your discus. When kept in a large enough aquarium, they will be suitable tank mates for your Discus.

Clown Loach


Angelfish are the most debated of all possible tank mates for your Discus for several reasons. Although the conditions that angelfish thrive in are almost identical to that of your discus, they have a tendency to become aggressive, especially during breeding and feeding. They will quickly out-size your discus. That being said, many people house both discus and angelfish in the same aquarium without any hassle. If you decide that you want to take the risk, ensure that there is plenty of room for both species to establish their own separate territories.



I find that rams cichlids are a great addition to a discus aquarium as they’re generally peaceful and will thrive in the same conditions. However, if you notice that your rams are becoming territorial, chances are that you have a breeding pair. You’re going to want to separate these from your aquarium in order to prevent any injuries to your discus, as they become quite aggressive during spawning.

Ram Cichlid


  • What types of fishes will you bring to your discus aquarium?
  • What types of fish are from natural environments similar to discus’ natural habitat?
  • What are the risks when you bring angelfish to your discus aquarium, and are these fish worth the risks?

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