Checkerboard Pigeon Discus, Proven Breeding Pair

Checkerboard Pigeon Discus, Proven Breeding Pair


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See, when you read palms, each line means something. People have been doing this for thousands of years, they talk about it in the Bible. Heart line, life line, even all the bumps and scars – each one means something. Every line matters. When I see the Checkerboard Pigeon Discus, that’s all I’m thinking about. A life caught in the palm of your hand. What does it all mean?

I like to trace out the shapes, starting behind the eye and following those scarlet trails all the way to the fins. Because reading a palm, you’ve never exactly just following a pattern. As much are you’re tracing a line, you’re tracing a life. You read yourself as much as whoever actually owns the hand. So whenever I see these fish, their bright lines scattered all along those slick, sleek shapes, I’m looking back into myself.

I see them swim, I see the light dancing on the scales. I compare them both, trying to spot the differences. Each one is unique, like each individual life. Each one’s a lesson of where you’ve been and where you’re set to head, all written in the scales and the skin.

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