Red Eruption Leopard Snakeskin, Sparse Pattern

Red Eruption Leopard Snakeskin, Sparse Pattern


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Just like the Hollywood of yesteryear has its kings of the Silver Screen – think Clarke Gable, Humphrey Bogart and Spencer Tracy – and the jungle has its courageous lion, the aquarium to has its “king.”

This breathtaking Red Eruption Leopard Snakeskin with its majestic beauty, gorgeous red-dotted pattern resembling snakeskin stretching from its head and gills to tail is easily the star of any party. Adding this beauty to your home or business aquarium will take its overall appearance to new heights. There’s no question the Red Eruption Leopard Snakeskin will become the main attraction.

Its graceful presence will give you hours and hours of pleasure as you watch it glide from one end of your tank to the other as it shows off its unique form.

A peaceful and regal fish, the Red Eruption Leopard Snakeskin belongs to the Family Cichlid which are found in and around the lowlands of the Amazon River.

The Red Eruption Leopard Snakeskin prefers warm, soft, acidic water and can grow to be quite large. You will need a 75-gallon or larger aquarium to accommodate it when it reaches its full size.

This prima donna of Discus fish is best suited for serious hobbyists who can take the time to care for it the way it needs to be cared for. After all, the Red Eruption Leopard Snakeskin is the “king of the aquarium.”

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