Sapphire Ruby Discus, Light Face

Sapphire Ruby Discus, Light Face


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I remember being super hyped when ‘Finding Nemo’ came out in the early 2000s. And I’ll admit Pixar didn’t disappoint with their eerily realistic depiction of life under the sea. But then I come across a fish like this, and realize John Keats was right: “Beauty is truth, truth beauty.” No shade to all the animators out there, but the luscious hue of cherry red on this Sapphire Ruby Discus can only come from Mother Nature.

Looking at this fish brings to mind why I got into aquariums in the first place. As a kid, all I knew about fish was what they sold in the open air markets my mother would drag me to at least twice a week. It seemed to me that aquariums were just water filled boxes that kept fish alive until they ended up on your table. Then, I met a distant relative of my mother’s, who everyone kindly referred to as “eccentric.” And it was from her that I learned about the magical world of cichlids, like this gorgeous little jewel here.

Don’t get me wrong – Nemo and his buddies still hold a special place in my heart. But “finding” one of these exquisite creatures in my tank reminds me there’s no need to enhance or pixelate something that’s already perfect.

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