Green Heckel Cross Discus

Green Heckel Cross Discus


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This unique hybrid boasts a beautiful golden lemon color pattern and gradient. A vibrant gold face and white forehead transitions to a white/grey body and fifth vertical, ending with an alluring pale lemon color at the base of the caudal fin. All of this is delicately contrasted and accented with the rich amber color of the ventral fins and accompanying red and amber spine tips on the dorsal fin. Aquamarine accents can be noted throughout the dorsal and anal fin. Stunning red eyes spotlight the uniqueness of this beautiful hybrid.

These unique Green Heckel cross hybrids exhibit beautiful blends of rich golden amber and sunshine yellow that blend subtly into pale yellow, white and even slightly grey bodies. Vibrant turquoise and aquamarine accents can be noted to varying degrees on the fins. Some display completely scarlet red eyes while others show a blend of gold mixed in with the red eye coloration.

This Green Heckel cross is a truly unique hybrid – elegant and subtle color gradations, as well as stunning red eyes, are hallmarks of this discus hybrid. Golden wheat color is seen in the face, commonly accompanied by a snow-white nape. A fairly predominant vertical divides their lemon-yellow bodies, which are also blended with hues of white. Darker yellows can be traced along the length of their dorsal ridge. The spines of the dorsal fin are tipped with darker amber colors than the rest of the fin and these same rich amber colors can be seen in the pelvic fins. Turquoise highlights are also notable throughout the dorsal and anal fins.

These Green Heckel cross hybrids are some of our favorites – wonderful color combinations and a nice shape.

· Golden yellow faces with white foreheads
· Gorgeous sunshine yellow bodies with white/grey hues in the front
· Rich amber colors highlight the tips of fins/spines
· Aquamarine highlights on dorsal and anal fins (we have noticed them to be more vibrant on the anal fins)
· Stunning red eyes

SKU: green-heckel-cross-discus Categories: ,

1 review for Green Heckel Cross Discus

    Green Heckel Cross Discus photo review
    Green Heckel Cross Discus photo review
    Green Heckel Cross Discus photo review
    Forrest C., Bennet, NE (Verified Customer) April 26, 2023
    April 30, 2023

    They came alive!!!! Update coming soon thank you!!

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