Wild Green Cross Discus, Black Halo

Wild Green Cross Discus, Black Halo


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Isn’t it fascinating, the repeating patterns we see in nature? The swirl of a snail’s shell always reminds me of the turning arms of a galaxy, the ripples on a lake like the wind-blown dunes of a desert. And looking at the Wild Green Cross Discus, Black Halo, don’t you see the eye of a tiger? Nearly perfectly round, the body of this beautiful fish holds the gold of that cat’s eye, the vertical stripes reflecting a tiger’s coat, the tiger-red stipples across the fish’s body. And that famous black halo—like the ring around an iris. Can you see it?

One of the best pleasures in life is to see how nature reveals itself to us. We look, our eyes wide with wonder, like two round fish in our heads. I’d love to have a Wild Green Cross Discus, Black Halo in my tank at home. It would watch me, once with its small black eyes and once with its tiger-eye body, and I would watch back.

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