Silver Discus Fish Room
Call me a nerd, but I like coin collecting and the silver discus calls to mind two silver coins I enjoy looking at. The Franklin half dollar and the Silver Eagle, also known as the Walking Liberty dollar. For some coin collectors, these coins, in mint condition, are things of beauty. For me, I like to think about Franklin. He seemed popular with the ladies, at least in France, and I’ve always wondered how a heavy-set balding old white man was a hit with the ladies. I figured out why. Old Ben was a genius!
Truly a Renaissance man, Franklin excelled at almost everything he attempted. Printer, statesman, inventor—whenever I see the silver discus it reminds me of the coin and Franklin himself. People still, all these years later, quote the man. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Not bad, right? The other coin, the Silver Eagle, brings me to the next best thing to love—liberty. Men and women fought for that word so it holds a lot of meaning for a lot of people. Here in the USA we sometimes take our freedoms and liberties for granted. Maybe seeing the silver discus will remind us of our silver coins and the words printed on them? Hopefully. It also reads “In God We Trust”. Maybe that’s another reminder that we should put our faith in God and not in man?
I can go along with that too. Speaking of quotes, coins and money… plenty of folks mis-quote the phrase “the root of all evil is money.” That’s incorrect! The LOVE of money is the root of all evil. In the final analysis, gold and silver may glitter, and attract us, but that’s not all there is. All our decisions shouldn’t be based on money, should they? Nope. And the eagle on the reverse of the Walking Liberty dollar was originally drawn to show America’s strength and power like the great raptor has but… it’s a global village now, and we’re all in this together so…maybe, just maybe we can look at the eagle and think…hmmmm… let’s preserve these great birds and all wildlife. And preserve our liberty as well. Yes… perhaps…
By Robert Gluck
Hybrid Discus Fish, Leopard, Mr. Chun Yong Na & Mrs. Wenyang Na, Shop By Breeder, Silver Discus Fish
Silver Pigeon Leopard Discus
$44.00 – $155.00Select optionsQuick View -
Hybrid Discus Fish, Mercury, Silver Discus Fish
Blue Mercury Discus
$32.00 – $75.00Select optionsQuick View -
Hybrid Discus Fish, Mercury, Silver Discus Fish
Blue Mercury Discus, Light Base
$32.00 – $75.00Select optionsQuick View -
Hybrid Discus Fish, Mercury, Silver Discus Fish
Mercury Discus
$32.00 – $75.00Select optionsQuick View -
Hybrid Discus Fish, Mr. Wayne Ng, Reflection D, Shop By Breeder, Silver Discus Fish
Reflection D Cross Discus, Silver Base
$55.00 – $178.00Select optionsQuick View -
Heckel, Mr. Andrea Andreas, Shop By Breeder, Silver Discus Fish, Wild Discus Fish
Wild-Caught Silver Heckel Discus
$165.00 – $195.00Select optionsQuick View